Our Services
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Disability Employment Services For The Neurodiverse
Omega Health Services (OHS) supports people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to develop a career path to acquire and retain competitive employment. OHS Vocational Counselors will guide each person through a “discovery” process and create a employment readiness and search plan that is customized for each job seeker. The Vocational Counselors provide each person with job-coaching and on-the-job training and support, while employers and co-workers are supported to work effectively with new employees. By working with OHS, individuals and employers benefit from successful experiences in a variety of settings including private sector, government, and nonprofit agencies.
Disability Employment Services/Job Coaching
As our flagship Service within the Employment Categories in Virginia, this Service provides periodic and frequent support services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities to prepare the individual to work as independently as possible. The program encompasses a variety of services, which vary according to the employment needs of the individual participant. They can include vocational evaluation, job development, intensive training, job placement and long-term support. Support services for the individual’s family and consultation with the employer and other involved agencies may also be provided.

Workplace Assistance Program
Workplace Assistance services are supports provided to someone who has completed job development and completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than typical job coach services to maintain stabilization in their employment.
Workplace Assistance services are supplementary to the services rendered by the job coach; the job coach still provides professional oversight and job coaching intervention.
The provider provides on-site habilitative supports related to behavior, health, time management or other skills that otherwise would endanger the individual’s continued employment. The Provider is able to support the person related to personal care needs as well; however, this cannot be the sole use of Workplace Assistance services.
Assessments and Training
Individuals are exposed to Community and Work-Based Assessments to identify vocational interests, capabilities and challenges. These evaluations determine the individual’s level of vocational competence and the specific programming needs of the individual. Situational assessments are conducted in various workplace settings that meet the individuals’ interests.
Situational Assessments
Individuals are exposed to situational assessments to identify vocational interests, capabilities and challenges. The evaluation determines the individual’s level of vocational competence and the specific programming needs of the individual. Situational assessments are conducted in various workplace settings that meet the individuals’ interests.
Vocational Specialist
A Vocational Specialist provides employment related services and can assist with job searches, application and resume development, interview skills and further job training. The Vocational Specialist will work with possible employment opportunities to job match to individuals. The Vocational Specialist works with various employers to provide employees with various skills needed to obtain gainful employment.
Higher Education Learning Assistance Program Support Services
OHS-HELPSS is a Flagship Service supporting graduating Highschool Seniors navigate the various complexities of finding a career or the perfect college. Our Services are designed to give an in-depth approach to discovering the benefits and opportunities available to persons with disabilities. These Services encompass a ‘total-person’ approach, and person-centered care.
HELPSS-College Resource Guide
This program is designed to assist individuals with disabilities who are seeking to explore the opportunity of Higher Education. Participants will get an in-depth visual at what College/University looks and feels like. Participants will receive assistance in the following areas: identifying academic goals and challenges, community resources, college resources, technology (Microsoft, Google, Excel, PowerPoint), self-advocacy, study habits, positive behavior patterns, accommodations, and professional phone and email etiquette. Participants will complete the following: A Career Exploration Inventory (CEI-DK) and College Survival and Success Scale (CS3-DK).
HELPSS-Individual Transportation Training
Provides participants with information about transportation resources, safety while walking, transportation skills, planning transportation, and how to navigate city streets. The training will provide in-depth information about utilizing taxis, ridesharing services, buses, planes, and trains for transportation. Clients will also learn about basic car controls, commentary driving, defensive driving, general maintenance of a vehicle, interstate driving, traffic control devices, adaptive equipment and review the WV DMV Safety Highlights. This service does not provide any behind the wheel training.